Thursday, October 18, 2007

Don't get on Towner's SPAM list

There is an e-mail "poll" circulating from Parents for Choice, the pro-voucher folks. If it lands in your e-mail box, don't answer it unless you WANT to be on Mark Towner's SPAM list...

Here it is (edited for brevity):

"A lot of people in Utah are rightfully concerned that the NEA, a national union headquartered in Washington DC, is spending at least $3 million to overturn an important education law passed by our state legislature..

Do you think the NEA should be spending $3 million to take away parents' rights?


(click a response above to cast your vote)

If you'd like to help protect the rights of Utah families, click here.

PO Box 57637
Salt Lake City, Utah
United States"

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